Transforming Lives

one Crusader at a Time

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CHS is blessed to provide a free year-long subscription to the online Hallow app to all students and faculty members. Students are receiving their Hallow login information this week and will begin actively using Hallow throughout their courses.

Additionally, a free 90-day account on Hallow is available to all parents of CHS students! Attached below is a document that provides the instructions for setting up your own Hallow account, free for 90 days. When you sign up for the free 90-day account, it will ask you to submit payment information. However, it will not draw on that payment info unless you remain registered on the Hallow App past 90 days.

Instructions for Downloading Hallow App on 90 Day Free Trial

It is an amazing app that fosters spiritual growth and deepening in prayer for all users. The contents of Hallow are voluminous and are changing daily.

We encourage you to download your free account and use this app as a means of opening valuable conversations with your child that can help bring you, your child, and your family closer to Our Lord!

News & Updates

Welcome New Athletic Director, Matt Adams

Catholic High is pleased to announce the hiring of current administrator, Matt Adams, as CHS Athletic Director, effective for the 2025-26 school year. Coach Adams will also continue in his position as Director of Facilities and Special Events with additional assistance. We are thrilled to be able to have the continued leadership of an administrator and coach as experienced as Coach Adams is as our Athletic Director.

Congratulations To Our National Champion Runner, Zamari Purifoy!

Congratulations to Zamari Purifoy who is the 2025 Nike National Indoors Freshman Champion! Zamari won the 400M with a time of 49.79 seconds.

40 Day Lenten Prayer Challenge

On our website, you can access a page that is completely dedicated to Lent. This page has many resources which may help you in your faith development. We invite you to participate in this year’s Hallow Lent Pray40 Challenge, beginning on Ash Wednesday. Just before Easter, on Wednesday, Apr. 16, our students will perform the Living Stations of the Cross. Everyone is welcome to attend the Living Stations of the Cross on Apr. 16.

Starry, Starry Knight Online Auction

Our virtual “Starry, Starry Knight Auction” is fast approaching. Our virtual auction’s exciting and very competitive bidding window is from March 22-30! Be sure to register. 

Your generous response will help guarantee the contribution of quality secondary education in our community. Catholic High School is a chartered, non-profit 501(c) organization, and all donations to this activity are tax deductible.

Thank you for your consideration. If you have any questions, please call Mrs. Nina Blay at 436-6400 ext. 683

The Shield: Crusaders Sports Podcast

The Sports Media Society, one of our 30 school clubs, produces a Catholic High Sports Podcast each week during the school year. The podcast is hosted by members of the SMS and features interviews with CHS athletes and coaches. All episodes, can be found on Spotify and through our social media.

Episode Title: “Fastballs and Face-Offs”

On this week’s episode of The Shield: Crusaders Sports Podcast, hosts Colton Guillot and Carter McCammon dive into the action-packed world of Catholic High spring sports! We’re joined by baseball ace Parker Granse, who talks about his experiences on the diamond and the Crusaders’ championship mindset. From the lacrosse field, Hampton Stacy gives us an inside look at the boys team’s season and what it takes to battle for victory. Plus, we sit down with All-American Julia Frosch, who shares her journey to national recognition and how the girls lacrosse team is gearing up for a big postseason push. Don’t miss this episode full of insider stories, game-day insights, and a whole lot of Crusader pride!

Full-Time Teaching Position Available

Catholic High School has an opening for a full-time Religion teacher beginning with the 2025-26 school year. Applicants must have at least a bachelor’s degree, preferably in their field. For more information, please contact Sr. Kierstin Martin at and follow all of the steps described on our website. Applicants must also must pass all required fingerprinting and background checks as required by the Diocese of Pensacola-Tallahassee and the State of Florida.

Scholarship Opportunities

Society of American Military Engineers (SAME)

The Pensacola Post of the Society of American Military Engineers (SAME) is offering $8,000 in scholarships to deserving high school and college students in engineering or a related technical field. 
The DEADLINE is Friday, April 11, 2025. 
The 1-page Application is attached. The only additional document that would be needed is a 1-page, double spaced essay in a 12 point font discussing how “You plan to use your education to improve the lives of people in the Florida panhandle.”
Pensacola Heritage Foundation
The Pensacola Heritage Foundation is offering a nonrenewable, competitive $1,000 scholarship to a graduating high school senior in Escambia or Santa Rosa Counties who plan on attending a university, college, or technical school in the fall semester of 2025.
The application is available by clicking here.
The application consists of:

Student Information Sheet

High School Certification

750-1000 word essay on: “What impact did the establishment of the Pensacola Navy Yard in 1826 have on the growth of Northwest Florida?

The application must be received by Pensacola Heritage Foundation by Friday, March 21, 2025 and the winners will be notified on or about April 15, 2025. 
Applications may be returned via email to or to the Guidance Office.
Coast Guard Foundation Scholarship
If you are a dependent of an active duty, reserve or retired U.S Coast Guard enlisted member or commissioned officer check out the Coast Guard Foundation Scholarship!
Scholarships are available to students of U.S. Coast Guard affiliation who will be entering an accredited four-year undergraduate program OR trade school. Applications must be completed and submitted between February 10 and April 1, 2025. Merit-based scholarships range in value from $2,500-$5,000 annually. Eligible applicants may apply for up to 4-years of undergraduate study. 
Follow the link to complete the application and to retrieve any additional information:

Green & Gold Cards

Green & Gold Cards are now available. If you would like to purchase card(s), contact our Athletic Director, Richard LaBounty. The personalized cards are $75 each and will allow the card holder to enter any regular season athletic event without any further charges. Students are admitted for free to all regular season athletic contests with proof of student ID. Green & Gold Cards do not include any parking charges that may apply and cannot be used in the concession stands.

Athletic Compliance

Physicals are good for 1 year or 365 days from the date the physical is conducted. Athletes will not be able to compete in any event, contest, or tryout unless they have a physical on file with our compliance office that is current and covers the competition period. This includes all sports with summer games and workouts. All physicals for 2024-25 must be completed on the new EL2 form. Please fill out all sections of the EL2 form that apply to you prior to going in for the physical.
All athletes and parents/guardians need to update their account on Athletic Clearance for the 2024-25 school year. 

Capital Campaign – Phase II

As you head into your summer break, please know that our Building on Faith, Family, and Tradition Capital Campaign continues.  We are still in desperate need of all families to respond with a pledge to help us reach the $6M goal – $3M from our parents.  We thank those families who have already pledged!

We are so blessed to have seen the completion of our new classrooms that your students will use when they return in the 2024-2025 school year.  Please click on the new video from Coach Matt Adams explaining the need for the practice fields that were needed yesterday.  You can see the full list of projects from our Campaign school website linked here and the QR code will take you directly to our Donation Page.

Our current tuition structure only includes the expenses needed to educate your student(s) for the current academic year. It does not contain any financial component toward capital additions or significant improvements to our campus, only minor maintenance repairs and periodic replacement of existing assets, and even then, we rely on grants and/or other donations to make these changes. Please prayerfully consider a sacrificial gift to help us in reaching our goal. With the implementation of the new State Scholarship program, we hope that every family will be willing to contribute to our Campaign by sharing some of your scholarship savings for the improvements identified.  Alumni Parents, check out the new Alumni Challenge we have kicked off.  Details are linked from the Capital Campaign webpage.  Your pledge will count toward the Parent goals as well as the Alumni Challenge!

The Gifts of the Spirit

During every school year we have an Annual Theme to help guide our student body. This year’s theme is The Gifts of the Spirit, which we learn about in (John 14:26): 
“It is through these seven gifts–wisdom, understanding, counsel, knowledge, fortitude, piety, and fear of the Lord–that we grow in holiness and are continually reminded of God’s loving presence within us and around us.”


Click here to learn more about Shopraise, a fundraising platform similar to Amazon Smile that can help all of our CHS supporters raise money for the school while shopping. If you plan to do any online shopping, please consider using Shopraise.
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