Athletic Program Raffle Tickets

The athletic program at CHS is supported by the Athletic Program Raffle. Families with athletes assume the responsibility for buying/selling one ticket at the cost of $100 for each sport in which the student participates (limit of 3). The drawing for the Athletic Program Raffle is held annually during the month of March.
If you would like to support Crusader athletes and purchase an Athletic Program Raffle ticket, or if you need further information, please contact the Athletic Director at (850) 436-6400, ext. 112.
Football Printed Program & Field Signs

The Crusader Football Program is a pictorial guide to the Catholic High School football program. Funds raised through the sale of program ads help support Crusader Football. If you would like to support the Crusaders by purchasing ad space in the program, or if you know of a person or business who would, please contact Coach Bobby Clayton.
Field signs are available for purchase to show support of Catholic High School athletic teams. Field signs are displayed at Gorecki-LeBeau Stadium (football, lacrosse and soccer), and the Catholic High baseball and softball fields. If you would like to show your support of Crusader athletics and purchase a field sign, please contact the following:
Football – Coach Bobby Clayton (850) 436-6400, ext. 132. Click here to download the Football Field Sign form.
Baseball, Soccer, Softball – Coach Richard LaBounty, (850) 436-6400, ext. 112. Click here to download the Baseball Field Sign form.

Memorials may be made to the Catholic High School Athletic program or to a specific Catholic High School athletic team in memory or honor of a Crusader supporter. To make a contribution, please contact the Catholic High School Athletic Director, Coach Richard LaBounty, at (850) 436-6400, ext. 112.
Basketball and Volleyball Sponsor Boards

The Crusader Basketball and Volleyball Sponsor Boards are a great way to support both the Crusader basketball or volleyball programs. Becoming a sponsor is a great way to advertise your company or business and show your Crusader spirit! All sponsorships will be posted in the CHS gym year-round. The CHS gym is not only used for Crusader athletic events but also PTA Meetings, CYSL activities, and the CHS Auction!
To become a Crusader Basketball or Volleyball Sponsor, please contact the Catholic High School Athletic Director, Coach Richard LaBounty, at (850) 436-6400, ext. 112.
Baseball Engraved Bricks

The Catholic High School Baseball Team is continuing its ongoing engraved brick fundraiser in an effort to make the Pensacola Catholic High School baseball field the finest high school baseball facility in northwest Florida. In the summer and fall of 2008, the CHS baseball team, coaches, parents, and staff conducted the initial capital improvement fundraiser by selling engraved bricks to fund the replacement of the school’s aging chain link fence backstop with a state of the art brick backstop.
As planned, the beautiful new red brick backstop was completed and the engraved bricks were mounted in the backstop prior to the first 2008 CHS home game. Replacing the old backstop was a major financial endeavor for our baseball program and showed the pride and the commitment of everyone involved in the organization.
Catholic High Baseball is looking for financial support from our families, friends, alumni, and supporters to be able to continue to make capital improvements to our facility. We ask you to please consider making a financial donation to the capital improvement project. Donations of any amount will be graciously accepted.
Any person or organization making a donation of $100 will have a 4 x 8 inch brick engraved on their behalf and permanently placed in the backstop wall. Any person or organization making a donation of $250 or more will have an 8 x 8 inch brick engraved and permanently placed in the backstop wall.
Please print and return one of the forms below to make a donation. Pensacola Catholic High Baseball thanks you in advance for your support!