“Don’t take a vacation from your faith this summer.”
We hope you have a restful and joy-filled summer! We also want to encourage you to continue growing in your faith this summer. We’ve collected some resources to help you stay connected with God while you are away from school. Check out these resources below.
Check your parish’s Mass schedule.
As parishes begin to reopen to full capacity, it’s important to double-check the Mass schedule for your parish. Click here to find your parish so that you can open their website and find information specific to the church you wish to attend.
Remember, our Catholic faith calls us to join together in the prayer of the Eucharistic Liturgy, for the Eucharist is the source and summit of the Christian life (CCC 1324-1327). It is our obligation and duty as Catholics to attend Mass on Sunday (or the Saturday vigil). Check out this video from Fr. Mike Schmitz on why we have to attend Mass and receive Communion in a state of grace.
Also, don’t forget that parishes usually offer the sacrament of Reconciliation on Saturday afternoons and that you can contact your parish to schedule the sacrament at any time.
This excellent graphic can help you prepare for Mass:

Five steps to review your day and other helpful graphics.
Learn something new with Father Mike Schmitz.

Who doesn’t love a great Fr. Mike Schmitz video? But you don’t have to wait for school to be back in session to hear Fr. Schmitz talk about the faith. Click here to find videos from Father Schmitz on all sorts of faith topics.
Take an online retreat.
Did you know that Pensacola Catholic High School has retreats for its students during the school year? But what about summer? There are opportunities to do on-line retreats that are great for students and/or their parents. Please check out this link for a retreat that you can do on your own this summer. Stay connected with your faith and take the time to listen to God this summer.
Learn more about a vocation to the priesthood.
Interested in learning more about a vocation to the priesthood? There is a new video series that will come out this summer to help you learn more about a young man’s call to this vocation. Please check out this trailer and then follow the links to sign up for the video series. Remember, all Catholic young men should consider a call to the priesthood. Learning more about it doesn’t mean that you have to leave for seminary right away! God is calling each one of us to a vocation and it’s our duty to listen to His voice and heed His call.