For current CHS students who are returning to CHS – for 10th-12th Grades for the 2024-25 School year – follow the instructions below to complete registration.
Please Submit these 3 Items by January 19, 2024:
- Registration Fee of $150 — please submit cash or check (made out to Pensacola Catholic High School), or submit via your FACTS account by 1/19. This fee increases to $200 after 1/19.
- Course Selection Sheet — Each student will receive this hard copy document on 1/5 and must complete it, including the parent signature, and return it by 1/19.
- Complete Online Returning Student Registration Form on PowerSchool:
- It is highly recommended that Parents use a laptop or desktop computer for this step. Parents are asked to access PowerSchool at https://ptdioceseschools.powerschool.com ; login, and then locate the Returning Student Registration Form. Click on this link and answer questions or update the information, in its entirety, prior to Jan. 19. [This form also includes 3 required Diocesan forms that each parent must download, sign, and upload back] in order to submit the completed Registration Form.
- On the Returning Students Registration form, every item with an asterisk is required.
- A Returning Student Registration Form for each child must be completed and submitted by 1/19.
Students who are NOT CURRENTLY ENROLLED and are seeking admission to Catholic High School, please click here.