Teacher Certification Requirements
- All teachers in the Diocese of Pensacola-Tallahassee must obtain Florida teacher certification, as set out below. This process is to be initiated during the first year of employment.
- If unable to obtain professional certification in the required three (3) years, but actively pursuing it, a one- year waiver may be applied for based on past performance, based on the discretion of the principal.
- If unable to obtain or maintain professional certification, future Contracts will not be offered.
- Those teachers who hold current and valid certification from another state and do not intend to teach in this diocese for more than three (3) years, do not have to pursue Florida certification.
- The Teacher of Grades 9-12 shall:
- have a bachelor’s degree;
- within (3) three years of appointment as teacher, have a current and valid state or national teaching certificate in the area of his/her primary teaching assignment;
- within (5) five years of the appointment as teacher, have at least (6) six college credits in the area of his/her secondary teaching assignment;
AND - maintain recency-of-credit [ (6) six college credits or its equivalent] every (5) five years.
- The state-certified Classroom Teacher who teaches one or two classes of religion shall:
- be a Catholic in good standing,
- have a bachelor’s degree in theology or religious studies;
OR - have a bachelor’s degree in and complete a basic level in diocesan catechist certification program*
AND - show evidence of continuing religious education.
- The Religion Teacher not described above shall:
- be a Catholic in good standing,
- have a bachelor’s degree in theology or religious studies;
OR - have a bachelor’s degree in and complete a basic level in diocesan catechist certification program*
AND - within (2) two years of employment complete (3) three college credits or the equivalent in instructional methodology and (3) three college credits or the equivalent in child/adolescent development as approved by the diocesan superintendent. One of these must be completed in the first year.
AND - show evidence of continuing religious education.
- The Teacher of Special Education or Resource Teacher* shall:
- have a bachelor’s degree in special education;
OR - have a bachelor’s degree with certification in an area of special education;
- within (3) three years of appointment as teacher, have a current and valid state or national certificate in an area of special education;
AND - maintain recency-of-credit [ (6) six college credits or its equivalent] every (5) five years
- have a bachelor’s degree in special education;
- The Physical Education Teacher (one or more periods) shall:
- have a bachelor’s degree in physical education, and, within three years of appointment as teacher, have a current and valid state or national certificate in physical education;
- have a bachelor’s degree and successfully complete the state subject area examination in physical education, and, within (3) three years of appointment as teacher, have a current and valid state or national certification in physical education;
AND - maintain recency-of-credit [ (6) six college credits or its equivalent] every (5) five years.
- The Educational Media Specialist shall:
- have a master’s degree in educational media;
OR - have a bachelor’s degree in a field related to educational media (e.g. English, elementary education, etc.) and familiarization with technologies; within (3) three years of appointment as media specialist, have a current and valid state or national certificate in educational media or related field;
AND - maintain recency of credit [ (6) six college credits or its equivalent] every (5) five years.
- have a master’s degree in educational media;
- The School Counselor shall:
- have a master’s degree;
- have a current and valid state or national school counselor certificate,
OR - have a Florida state license in an area of mental health such as Clinical Social Worker, Mental Health Counselor, Marriage and Family Therapist, Clinical Psychologist, or any other area in mental health which the state shall license;
AND - maintain recency of credit [ (6) six college credits or its equivalent] every (5) five years.
- Substitute Teachers are defined as teaching no longer than ten (10) days in the same consecutive assignment, and must have:
- at least (60) sixty college credit hours,
OR - an Associate’s Degree
- If the Substitute Teacher teaches in the same consecutive assignment longer than ten (10) days, he/she must meet the requirements of a part-time teacher.
- at least (60) sixty college credit hours,
- Additional Staff
- Part-time teachers in major subject areas except Religion, shall:
- have a bachelor’s degree
AND - have at least (12) twelve college credits in their teaching area.
- maintain recency-of-credit [ (6) six college credits or its equivalent] every (5) five years.
- have a bachelor’s degree
- Part-time teachers in major subject areas except Religion, shall:
- Personnel who teach foreign language, music, art, and technology shall:
- have documented qualifications validated in writing by their superintendent
AND - within two years of employment complete (3) three college credits or the equivalent in instructional methodology and (3) three college credits or the equivalent in child/adolescent development as approved by the diocesan superintendent. One of these must be completed in the first year.
AND - maintain recency-of-credit [ (6) six college credits or its equivalent] every (5) five years.
- have documented qualifications validated in writing by their superintendent