Parking permit hang tags, color-coded by grade, will be issued to each student who plans to drive to school on any day. Faculty, also, will receive parking permit hang tags.
Cars may be parked in a CHS lot/space only if they contain a parking permit clearly displayed.
Students may park only in the area defined for their class.
Parking permits will be kept throughout the student’s enrollment at CHS but will be collected prior to graduation or withdrawl. Faculty members will also be given a color-coded parking permit.
Parking Plans for 2024-25:
All drivers will be required to display their color-coded by grade, school-issued parking permit. Students without a permit in their car will lose parking privileges. Permits will be issued during the 2nd week of school.

Parking Plans For This Year:
- Junior & Senior Football players should park in the Football Parking Lot only if they arrive before 7:30 a.m. and if they approach the campus from W Street.
- All other Seniors should park in the Back Lot behind the faculty reserved parking lanes.
- Junior Fall sports athletes (except Football) should park in the Back Lot behind the faculty lanes.
- All Baseball players should park in the grassy field between the Baseball & Softball fields.
- All other Juniors should park in the West Lot, following these steps:
- enter the West Parking Lot by pulling in the driveway across from Mission Street
- turn left into the 3rd entrance (farthest from W. Scott St.) to the parking lot
- park in a parking space on the right side of that lane OR pull into a parking space on the left
side of that lane and drive into the parking spot that actually is in the middle parking lane, if
one is free.
- Sophomores and Freshmen should park in the Back Lot behind the Seniors.
- Parents coming to the Front Office should park in front of the Office on W. Scott St.
Faculty ONLY Parking Is:
- In front of the main building along W. Scott Street (but not near the Front Office)
- In the first row of the West Parking Lot on both sides of the row.
- In the first row (both sides) in the Back Parking Lot.
ALL – Be careful NOT to park in a reserved parking spot that has a student’s name on it.
If a student is going to leave school during the day and return before the end of the day, he/she must park in the West Lot by Softball since they will not be able to get through the back gate/fence to reach the building any more after 8:00 a.m.
CHS Students Exiting from the Back Lot at the End of the Day:
- The Mission St. Driveway accesses the Back Parking Lot and is always a two-way road. Please
use only the outbound (northbound) lane at all times. The southbound lane of this driveway is
always for incoming traffic. - Please proceed slowly (10 mph speed limit) to the Mission St. Driveway and turn right onto W.
Scott St. - Please do NOT drive across the grassy field between the drive and Wentworth Street!
Please proceed to the W. Scott St. exit.
CHS Students Exiting from the West Parking Lot at the End of the Day:
- Pull out of your parking space and head EAST ONLY (toward the school) to the East Exit Lane.
Please do NOT try to enter the Mission St. Driveway to exit. - Please turn right (East) onto W. Scott St. only
- Please drive no faster than the 10-mph speed limit and watch very carefully for pedestrians!!
There will be students on foot moving to the pick-up lane who will need to cross the cars of
students exiting from the Student Parking Lane.