Next Reunion:

CHS Homecoming Weekend 2024 :
*Date to come once schedule is released*
4:00 – 4:15 PM Refreshments in SLC
4:15 – 4:45 PM Tour of Campus
4:45 onward – HC Tailgate and Football game
$25?* per person will get you into the homecoming game and tailgate (*once they set the price I will update, likely will be cheaper, this is worst case scenario)
Due to FHSAA Regulations, any events on CHS property cannot have alcohol so the celebrations will have to continue to a second location off campus (see below).
After Half-time/Game Celebration: TBA
Meet at (Insert Location) for drinks. (Insert any deals and details).
Class Representatives: Molly Walters Mahtani (
If you are unable to reach your Class Representative, please contact Rita Lay at or 850-436-6400 ext. 103.