In the Fall of 1982, the administration of Catholic High School launched a new initiative, the CHS Hall of Fame. The first class was inducted in the Spring of 1983 to honor “students who have participated exceptionally well in various school activities. These members are gifted, well-rounded students who are active in academic societies, athletic organizations, and service clubs. The Hall of Fame recipients are an excellent example of the type of students who represent Catholic High’s best” (per the 1983 Charisma yearbook). From the first class through 1999, junior and senior students were eligible for induction. Over the years, the criteria for induction has seen some changes. Today, the CHS Hall of Fame inducts Senior students each year who prove to be exemplary Crusaders. Each class, sport, and organization has the opportunity to nominate eligible candidates. After nominations are compiled by the Hall of Fame Committee, the faculty/Senior Class makes the final selection. The purpose of the Hall of Fame is to honor those students who show outstanding personal achievement and integrity through their attitude and service. Criteria for nomination and induction into the Hall of Fame are: a) An unweighted GPA of 2.0 or higher b) Good conduct, good citizenship, and eligibility in light of the Academic Integrity Policy c) Performs service to school and community d) Displays leadership; displays positive attitude e) Actively involved in school organizations.
We have a separate Alumni Hall of Fame and it can be found at this link.

Induction Year/Last Name | First Name | Year In School (if not a Senior) |
2024 | ||
Adams | Ava | |
Biggs | Natalie | |
Bush | Maria | |
Contreras-Fernandez | Mariana | |
Goyins | Gabby | |
Lee | Virginia | |
Meckler | Cooper | |
Rembert | Chris | |
Sanderson | Scott | |
Ulmer | Julia | |
2023 | ||
Bradshaw | Grace | |
DeJesus | Zack | |
Foland | Lexi | |
Krehely | Will | |
Litvak | Ellie | |
Medlock | Eleanor | |
Messerly | Juliet | |
Ruble | Tyler | |
Struck | Caroline | |
Sullivan | Ian | |
2022 | ||
Apongan | Maile | |
Burroughs | Justin | |
Butler | Amiah | |
Day | Caitlin | |
Dillard | Alexis | |
Eddins | Maggie | |
Jasso | Charlie | |
Johnson | Maggie | |
Marshall | Timmy | |
Vredenburg | Zack | |
2021 | ||
Agnew | Celia | |
Baroco | Joey | |
Bowersox | Catie | |
Bradley | Brooke | |
Hoppe | Nicole | |
Jones-Primm | Kevi | |
King | Kinsey | |
McCants | Jordan | |
Myers | Clayton | |
Sullivan | Darcy | |
2020 | ||
Archie | Michael | |
Frosch | Tom | |
Hooker | Samuel | |
Jackson | Ja ‘Kobi | |
Manning | Elizabeth | |
Marshall | Lacey | |
Remke | Abigail | |
Talbert | Gramm | |
West | Olivia | |
Whibbs | Colin | |
Whitner | Olivia | |
2019 | ||
Baroco | Maria | |
Buer | Caroline | |
Dockery | Ryan | |
Dosev | Carmen | |
Dukes | Christian | |
Dunn | Tyree | |
Leidner | Madeleine | |
Provosty | Eleanor | |
Thorson | Makenna | |
Wolff | Mary | |
Wyer | Brianna | |
2018 | ||
Allison | Rebecca | |
Brady | Joshua | |
Faucheaux | Gabriel | |
Floyd | Ellen | |
Kotlarz | Parker | |
Kurtts | Jillian | |
Middleton | Mary Catherine | |
Richardson | Patrick | |
Stringfellow | Luke | |
Woodfin | Kent | |
2017 | ||
Baker | Blakeley | |
Carrell | JC | |
DeMatteo | Matthew | |
Gindl | Carl | |
Hamrick | Emma | |
Kizziah | Kathryn | |
Manning | Kathtryn | |
Mougey | Madison | |
Snyder | Annie | |
Whitehead | Devin | |
2016 | ||
Brady | Kiley | |
Broussard | Hayden | |
Dosev | Gabrielle | |
Doyle | Annabelle | |
Endacott | Olivia | |
Floyd | Ethan | |
Masterson | Eric | |
Richardson | Jimmy | |
Sullivan | Daniell | |
Tucker | Richard | |
2015 | ||
Adams | Ashlyn | |
Endacott | Gabrielle | |
Flurry | Jodee | |
Haferkamp | Macauley | |
Hartnett | Brad | |
Kirkpatrick | Sarah | |
Manning | Sarah | |
Neyman | Edward | |
Peabody | Kaifa | |
Shelton | Jackson | |
Stringfellow | Troy | |
2014 | ||
Bell | Madelyn | |
Chope | Jack | |
Clune | Gabrielle | |
Iacomini | Dennison | |
Jutras | Peter | |
Kurtts | Katarina | |
Merritt | Taylor | |
Pena | Rebecca | |
Presnell | Shelby | |
Sherman | Hailey | |
Smith | Emon | |
2013 | ||
Akintonde | David | |
Cruz | Alexis | |
Dosev | Anna | |
Ehlers | Betsy | |
Feo | Guiseppe | |
Hazard | Alexis | |
Inkel | Maurice | |
Leonard | Talia | |
Meyers | Dominick | |
Sullivan | Jacob | |
2012 | ||
Bouillion | Madeline | |
Browning | Katherine | |
Daum | Cody | |
Gilg | Ana | |
Hart | Erin | |
Hart | Lauren | |
Jones | Katherine | |
McClellan | Ella | |
Salinas | Mary Grace | |
Savoia-McHugh | Kimberly | |
Tolan | Sarah | |
Wilson | Chase | |
2011 | ||
Backus | Tyler | |
Bookout | Haley | |
Dabezies | CoCo | |
Dzwonkowski | Monique | |
Evans | Lauren | |
Floyd | Emma | |
Gabriel | Philip | |
McGovern | John | |
Ricketts | AJ | |
Vannoy | Langley | |
2010 | ||
Barker | Bradley | |
Browning | Thomas | |
Dabezies | T’Jean | |
Eagle | Zach | |
Gatterdam | Chelsea | |
Jones | Kristie | |
Smith | Evin | |
Snyder | Mary Katheryn | |
Tolan | Chris | |
Vargas | Giovanni | |
Wachob | Katie | |
2009 | ||
Bast | Alex | |
Cobb | Bryant | |
Daum | Cassie | |
Florian | Tim | |
Green | Jonathan | |
Kirkpatrick | Anna | |
Lam | Dan | |
Lipscomb | Peyton | |
Mancao | Matt | |
Remich | Valerie | |
2008 | ||
Cancellare | Katie | |
Day | Melanie | |
Douglas | Anna | |
DeMaria | Forrest | |
Getty | Katherine | |
Gibson | Mark | |
Kowalski | Chole | |
Libbey | Brittany | |
Robison | Reagan | |
Rushing | Lauren | |
2007 | ||
Bunt | Martin | |
Eagle | Michelle | |
Florian | David | |
Greskovich | Caitlin | |
Guilfoyle | Bob | |
Kings | Katie | |
Krieger | Kelsi | |
Robichaux | Caroline | |
Sanfilippo | Samantha | |
Whibbs | Robert | |
2006 | ||
Atwell | Alex | |
Cahill | Tim | |
Gibson | Sara | |
Guilfoyle | Bill | |
Kane | Molly | |
Kercher | Tyler | |
Mercer | Catrina | |
Smith | Eugene | |
Stuart | Beth | |
Thomas | Jackie | |
2005 | ||
Blay | Allee | |
Day | Caroline | |
Ferbezar | Natalie | |
Fisher | Candice | |
Florian | Catherine | |
Greskovich | Anna | |
Perciballi | Brianne | |
Ptacek | Stacey | |
Showalter | Allie | |
Taylor | Leigh | |
2004 | ||
Bell | Lizzy | |
Blackmon | Scott | |
Chase | Virginia | |
Cook | Rickey | |
Crocker | Griffin | |
Gibson | Matt | |
Harrell | Billy | |
Kane | Sara | |
Lambert | Lauren | |
Patten | Anne Marie | |
2003 | ||
Cartaya | Camille | |
Gibson | Michael | |
Harrison | Billy Ray | |
Holcomb | Chris | |
Kane | Jessica | |
Libbey | Jessica | |
Pierce | Forest | |
Sims | Margaret | |
Virtusio | Queeny | |
White | Perryn | |
2002 | ||
Adam | Jeanne | |
Bates | Jennifer | |
Calantog | Donna | |
DeFelice | Bambi | |
Deuble | Stephen | |
Jabaley | Craig | |
Perciballi | Drew | |
Stackhouse | Bennett | |
Watson | Blake | |
White | Paige | |
2001 | ||
Adam | Cecile | |
Donovan | Kate | |
Geiger | Crissi | |
Irvin | Elizabeth | |
Lacour | Matt | |
Luetkemeyer | Lauren | |
Meador | Mike | |
Soule | Danny | |
Virtusio | Kathrina | |
Williamson | Schuyler | |
2000 | ||
Adams | Matt | |
Caldwell | Campbell | |
Caldwell | Chase | |
Cook | Anne | |
Grundhoeffer | Mark | |
Hensel | Stacey | |
Hinson | Liz | |
Irvin | Allison | |
Rogers | Galen | |
Sadler | Billy | |
Talbert | Emily | |
White | Jeff | |
1999 | ||
Alsop | Lauren | |
Bell | Heather | |
Covas | Daniel | |
Decoteau | Lindsay | |
Kaczor | Anna Rose | |
LeBeau | Colette | Junior |
Majewski | Jenni | |
Mcgugin | Carrie | |
Murray | Katie | |
Salter | Joe | |
Thompson | Regan | |
Walters | Justin | |
1998 | ||
Bromert | Meghan | |
Bulger | J.W. | |
Coleridge | Wendy | |
Featherman | Mary | |
Galloway | Matt | |
Lewis | Matt | |
Luetkemeyer | Jenny | Junior |
McDonald | Michael | |
Moodispaugh | Brian | |
1997 | ||
Butler | Chris | Junior |
Carter | Tiffany | Junior |
Forkois | Adrienne | |
Hoffman | Brian | |
Hoffman | Jessica | |
Hoffman | Matthew | |
Kaiser | Lindsay | |
Krieger | Kevin | |
Prim | Travis | |
Soule | Laura | |
Stackhouse | Britton | |
1996 | ||
Akin | Joe | |
Bui | Loan | |
Dye | Amy | |
Galbavy | Eddie | |
Hill | Kelli | |
Hopkins | Kristin | |
Pace | Angela | |
Pak | Maylian | |
Prim | Travis | |
Schumm | Nick | |
1995 | ||
Adams | Jake | Junior |
Bitto | Annette | |
Butler | Jeff | |
Condon | Jenny | |
Davis | Josh | |
Forkois | Christine | |
Hobgood | Cassie | |
Holmes | Haley | |
Jackson | Jenny | |
O’Malley | Sheelagh | |
Walton | Sarah | |
1994 | ||
Bitto | Annette | |
Brochu | Jennifer | |
Cartaya | Daniel | |
Glenn | Elizabeth | |
Jones | Eddie | |
Maples | Greg | |
Mead | Meredith | |
Pelletier | Brian | |
Post | Chad | |
Sanders | Jaime | |
1993 | ||
Baroco | Cindy | Junior |
Pierman | Molly | |
Ramos | Joanna | Junior |
Rawls | Mike | |
Reinauer | Jill | Junior |
Riley | Kristin | |
1992 | ||
Baroco | Tommy | Junior |
Conkle | Dan | Junior |
Hayes | Matt | |
Jackson | Syd | |
Lacour | Brad | Junior |
Remich | Nancy | Junior |
1991 | ||
Bagaglio | Christina | |
Bieberbach | George | |
Bui | Tara | Junior |
Condon | Julie | |
Gorecki | Alex | Junior |
Hayden | Amy | |
Matson | Jim | |
Reinauer | Lee | Junior |
1990 | ||
Bui | Phuong | |
Farrell | Danny | Junior |
Gambala | Cecilia | Junior |
Jasper | Autry | |
Little | Michael | |
Nicastro | Carmelo | |
Nickelsen | Ric | |
Smith | Michael | |
Villanueva | Raela | |
Whibbs | Donovan | |
1989 | ||
Bui | Ha | |
Burke | Katherine | |
Condon | Bill | |
Hayden | Jenny | Junior |
Henken | Ted | |
Moser | Megan | |
Pair | Bart | |
Wanek | Jennifer | |
1988 | ||
Alvarez | Maria | |
Ayson | Rachelle | |
Baroco | Angie | Junior |
Guertin | Chris | Junior |
McDermott | Kelly | |
Scarritt | Palmer | |
Soule | Saranne | |
1987 | ||
Alvarez | Vickie | |
Archer | Tom | |
Baroco | Cathy | |
McClure | Michelle | |
Pluscht | Patrick | |
Soule | Saranne | |
Watson | Mary Brent | |
1986 | ||
Bloch | Melanie | Junior |
Bui | Vinh | |
Farrell | Christine | |
Kaiser | Wendy | |
McClure | Michelle | Junior |
Witt | Jamie | Junior |
Wyer | Brian | |
1985 | ||
Bell | Karen | Junior |
Condon | Bob | Junior |
Lasquety | Ludovic | |
Majewski | Andy | |
Rease | Robyn | |
Simmons | Cheryl | |
Viviano | Frances (Francey) | |
Whibbs | Mary Beth | Junior |
1984 | ||
Herring | Paul | |
Hughes | Rick | |
Laritz | Molly | |
Langhorne | Dabney | |
Pickert | Alan | |
Soule | Margherita | Junior |
Torres | Grace | Junior |
Williams | Michael | |
1983 | ||
Burke | Lannie | Junior |
Eckerlein | Mary Beth | |
Hawthorne | Meg | |
Kelley | Paul | |
Lane | Welles | |
Simon | Bubba | |
Sullivan | Beth | |
Sullivan | Joanne | Junior |
Vickers | Norman | |
Williams | Alan |