The student club program at Catholic High is intended to promote student participation and is an outgrowth of the educational curriculum. The school is primarily an academic institution. Therefore, student activities should be designed to foster and nourish a broad range of student interest in order to enhance the students’ education. Only authorized clubs are allowed and this authorization must come from the Administration. Information concerning the purposes, officers and a calendar of activities of each club must be placed on file in the Office of the Dean of Students by the deadline established at the beginning of the school year. All extracurricular activities should reflect democratic procedures within the framework of the philosophy and objectives of the school. Students, in collaboration with their sponsors, should help formulate and calendar the activities of their organizations.
For all major activities or undertakings of school organizations, permission must be obtained from the Administration. It is customary for each organization to submit a calendar of yearly activities to the website calendar administrator during the prescribed week early in each semester. This helps avoid conflicts in activity and meeting dates for the school’s various clubs and activities.
For a complete listing of the clubs currently being offered at Catholic High School, please view the current Club Brochure. The Club Brochure, in conjunction with Club Awareness Week, is designed to give students information on the clubs currently being offered. This information includes the mission/purpose of each club, membership requirements, and dues, if any. The clubs outlined in the brochure are those that students may sign up for during Club Sign-Up Week.
In addition to the clubs that students may simply sign up for, Catholic High also has several additional clubs which students must be appointed to, must apply for, or must be elected to. These organizations are outlined below.
Student Council – students run for Student Council Office or Class Office each spring for the following year’s term. Student Council members promote involvement, school spirit, and service through the many events they host throughout the year.
Student Ambassadors – students are appointed by the administration and act as ambassadors to any potential or new student who visits CHS. They act as guides during 8th Grade Visitations and one-on-one tours of the school, as well as assisting with Freshmen Registration and parent meetings.
National Honor Society – students must be invited to apply for National Honor Society. Invitation and selection is based on academics, service, leadership, and character.
Mu Alpha Theta – students are invited to join Mu Alpha Theta, a math honor society. Invitation is based on excellence in mathematics.
Math Team – students are invited to join the Math Team based on excellence in mathematics.
Senior Retreat Team – rising seniors apply for the Senior Retreat Team during the spring of their junior year. The Senior Retreat Team plans and implements the underclassmen retreats.
Charisma Yearbook – rising sophomores through seniors may apply for a position on the Charisma yearbook staff during registration for the following year.