One of the great benefits your child receives by attending a Catholic high school is the campus ministry. Our campus minister has been given the responsibility of providing spiritual care and supporting the faith life of students and staff. They spread the Good News of the Lord and promote our Catholic teachings within the school setting.
The campus minister works to enhance your child’s faith and learning experience by focusing on Christian morals, values and attitudes through work in and out of the classroom, during school liturgies and retreat experiences. The campus minister is also available for spiritual help and resource support. Students who experience loss due to a death, separation or divorce in their families or any other issue can find great comfort and support by turning to the school campus minister.
The Chapel – The Chapel is located at the main entrance of the school. Students are encouraged to visit the Chapel during their free time.
Eucharistic Adoration – At Pensacola Catholic High School, we recognize the value and importance of spending time in the Real Presence of our Lord Jesus Christ in the Eucharist. As Father John Hardon, S.J. said, “The center of the whole Catholic liturgy is the Eucharist. The Eucharist is most important in the life of the Church because it is Jesus Christ. It is the incarnation continued in space and time. The other sacraments and all the Church’s ministries and apostolates are directed toward the Eucharist.
The word “Eucharist” means “thanksgiving”. This is explained by the fact that Christ “gave thanks” when He instituted the Eucharist and this is the supreme act of Christian gratitude to God. We should worship Jesus in the Tabernacle because He is present there under the appearance of bread and wine as truly as He is in heaven. We should give Him the adoration given to God alone because of His infinite perfection and His supreme domination over all things created. The Church fosters devotion to the Real Presence through public adoration of the Holy Eucharist…”
Twice a month we invite our students, faculty, and parents to join us in Eucharistic Adoration. During this time of intimate prayer with our Lord, we especially ask Jesus to help our young people make responsible decisions, acknowledging always that we are created as one family. Dates for Adoration will be published each semester both on the Campus Ministry Weblink and the CHS website calendar. Adoration begins at 7:55 a.m. and lasts until 2:35 p.m. Please know that you are welcome to join us for Eucharistic Adoration. If you have any questions, please contact our Campus Minister, Rebecca Carter.
Eucharistic Celebrations – Mass is celebrated for the entire student body on the First Friday of every month and for Holy Days and other celebrations during the year.
Sacrament of Reconciliation – The Sacrament of Reconciliation will be available at specific times as posted by the Campus Minister, in conjunction with Religion classes, and also at any time by personal request. If a student has an urgent need that requires the services of a priest, the Campus Minister can help coordinate this with either the student’s parish or by reaching out to one of our local priests. Please contact Rebecca Carter if this is the case.
Student Days of Recollection – Retreats/Days of Recollection follow selected spiritual themes in a schedule arranged by the Campus Minister. These days utilize planned-out themes and the Senior Retreat Team assists on these days. Religion teachers and other faculty members serve as facilitators and supervisors. Seniors have an overnight retreat and the underclassmen have a day of recollection. Retreat experiences are held off-campus.
The dates for this year’s retreats are as follows:
Freshman Day of Recollection: Thursday, September 12, 2024
Sophomore Day of Recollection: Thursday, October 17, 2024
Junior Day of Recollection: Thursday, November 7, 2024
Senior Retreat: Monday, January 13-Tuesday, January 14, 2025
Days of Recollection are held off –campus and the sexes are separated. The underclassmen retreats will be held for the boys at Holy Spirit and for the girls at St. Anne’s in Bellview. The Senior Retreat for boys is held at Camp Baldwin and the retreat for girls is held at Camp Beckwith.
Student attendance at these days of recollection/retreats are mandatory and are a graduation requirement for Seniors. Students are responsible for providing their own transportation to and from these sites. Lunch is provided.
CHS Religion Service Requirement – CHS graduation requirements include for 9th and 10th graders a total of 20 hours of service (it is recommended that students perform 10 hours in each semester course; an annual total of 5 must be at CHS); for 11th graders a cumulative total of 30 hours including 5 at CHS; for 12th graders a cumulative total of 40 hours at one volunteer agency plus 5 at Catholic High. To satisfy the service commitment for the Florida Bright Futures eligibility, the Guidance Office will register the 30 hours of service performed in the 11th grade and the 40 hours performed in the 12th grade (at one volunteer agency) plus 5 hours of CHS service for a total of 75 service hours. For a listing of volunteer agencies, please click here for Service Project Opportunities.
Religion Department
Mrs. Rebecca Carter
Campus Minister