Commitment to Service at Pensacola Catholic High School

One thing I know:  the only ones among you who will truly be really happy are those who have sought and found how to serve!  Albert Schweitzer

Service at CHS enables students to grow and understand the complexity and challenge of living fully the gospel of Jesus Christ, responding in action to the call to be loving and compassionate.  Credit for service is given for assistance to a traceable, non-profit, charitable group only.  This also includes a five-hour requirement for Catholic High School, as well as the invitation to serve in one’s parish or church.  The Service requirement varies for each grade level.

            *Freshmen:  20 hours.  Ten hours accomplished and registered each semester to remain in good standing.

            *Sophomores:  20 hours.  Ten hours accomplished and registered each semester to remain in good standing.

            *Juniors:  30 hours.  Fifteen hours accomplished and registered each semester to remain in good standing.

            *Seniors:  45 hours.  20 hours accomplished and registered first semester; remaining 25 hours accomplished and registered by the end of the third quarter to remain in good standing.

Examples, Consequences, and Opportunities

            Consequences for not completing the service requirement each semester will result in the lowering of one quarterly grade by one letter grade (2nd quarter for first semester and 4th quarter for second semester).

            Seniors must complete the forty-five hour service requirement in order to graduate.

            Examples of appropriate service activities:  

            Examples of service which are not appropriate:  Babysitting for friends, neighbors, or family members; helping grandparents or elderly neighbors with household chores or lawn care; helping out in the family business; picking up trash around the school or on the highway; working for a zoo; Scouting activities will not count for service.

            Of Special Note:  Seniors are requested to offer their service to a particular, single, traceable charity; Juniors, Sophomores, and Freshmen should experience a variety of forms of outreach, helping them to discern what their selection of a particular charity in their future years as Seniors will be.

Unique Service Opportunities for All

Students choose and perform service on their own with their traceable charities, but CHS also provides the following:

            *Monthly Service Projects:  Once a month, Campus Ministry will announce a service project that students are encouraged to attend.  These service projects are being finalized and approved by the Principal. 

            *Make a Difference Day:  The CHS Office of Development coordinates a special all-school participant day/days in September (9/30/23).  Many parents and faculty members are involved. This year (2023) featured 375 students and 75 parent volunteers working on 27 projects throughout the community.

            *Friends of the Poor Walk:  In cooperation with the St. Vincent de Paul Society, CHS hosted this walk on 9/23/23.  Students from all classes participated in this meaningful day.

            *Operation St. Nicholas:  Christmas stockings are collected for our CHS Partner in Education, Oakcrest Elementary.  This is a tradition at CHS.  Stockings are to be collected beginning Monday, November 27, 2023 and are due by Wednesday, December 6, 2023. 
The stockings were presented at a school-wide Mass celebrated on Friday, December 8, 2023.

            *The Stations of the Cross:  This is a dramatic and musical devotion which involves and all-student cast and is attended by the entire student body during Lent.  This year, the Stations of the Cross were presented on Wednesday, March 27, 2024.

            *Various Key Clubs/Teams:  Clubs and teams at CHS often sponsor special activities which may assist with the CHS service requirement.  Check with club sponsors and coaches; concession stand work, summer sports camps, and serving as a CHS or Catholic Youth Sports League (CYSL) statistician are among ways CHS volunteer service is quickly achieved.

Service Deadlines for 2023-24

            First Semester Turn-In:  The final deadline for all service contracts for the first semester is Friday, December 8, 2023

ALL summer service contract forms are due by the end of the FIRST QUARTER or Friday, October 6, 2023.

            Second Semester Turn-In:  The final deadline for all service contracts for the second semester for SENIORS ONLY is Friday, March 8, 2024.   Any Senior who is deficient in hours will see their parents notified of this as well as Administration.

                        The final deadline for all service contracts for the second semester for FRESHMEN, SOPHOMORES, and JUNIORS is Friday, May 10, 2024.